We promise not to reveal anything you can tease the film, only give you 10 tips that will make you ask yourself a lot of what will happen in Captain America Civil War.
Friday is released without the cast Thor, Captain America Civil War , which took months writing and waiting (im) patiently to see it. Early reviews of those experts who have been lucky enough to see the film have been overwhelmingly positive, so we just have to wait for the end of the week, buy the entrance, some popcorn and enjoy. But melty we have made a compilation of 10 spoilers that will make waiting more enjoyable without nag the film and with which you can discover some situations that the Russo brothers had saved up his sleeve. The world is divided into two, in the #TeamCap and #TeamIron and see the Avengers faced by a political and ethical ground on which both have their share of reason. We go there with the spoilers we share with love of our fellow melty Mexico: 1. Tom Holland will be 30 minutes of screen 10 as Spiderman and 20 as Peter Parker. 2. One of superheroes avenge the death of his family and nothing you can stop it .
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